27/3/2017 (Day 3)
Weather forecast
Temperature: 18-22°C
Humidity: 65-85%
Details: East wind force 2. Mainly cloudy with sunny intervals. One or two light rain batches at night
Source: 16:30 HKT 27/3/2017 9-day weather forecast
Temperature: 18-22°C
Humidity: 65-85%
Details: East wind force 2. Mainly cloudy with sunny intervals. One or two light rain batches at night
Source: 16:30 HKT 27/3/2017 9-day weather forecast
Student on duty tomorrow: 2 (Sunny Chan)
Today highlights:
2017 Chief executive election results
John Tsang: 365 votes
Carrie Lam: 777 votes
Woo Kwok Hing: 21 votes
2017 Chief executive election results
John Tsang: 365 votes
Carrie Lam: 777 votes
Woo Kwok Hing: 21 votes
Homework today:
-Form test corrections and signature. Hand in on 28/3
-Form test corrections and signature. Hand in on 28/3
-Revision exercise
-Revision exercise
Integrated science
-Research for worksheet
Related website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_still?wprov=sfla1
-Research for worksheet
Related website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_still?wprov=sfla1
-Bring & hand in your folder tomorrow.
-Bring & hand in your folder tomorrow.
-Bring A Christmas Carol tomorrow
-Bring English file, dictation book, workbook×2 (1A&1B) after form test
-Bring A Christmas Carol tomorrow
-Bring English file, dictation book, workbook×2 (1A&1B) after form test
Bring Ch.9 on Thursday
Bring Ch.9 on Thursday
Integrated Science
-Form test tomorrow
Prep English debate
New design for blog
Prep English debate
New design for blog
-List of know form test dates and syllabuses v2.1:
English: 29/3/2017 (Day 5, Wednesday), held during lesson. Syllabus uploaded by Curtis Fung and credits to Lucas Yue: https://classnoticeqc.blogspot.hk/2017/03/extra-english-form-test-293-syllabus.html?m=1
Integrated Science: 28/3/2017 (Day 2, Wednesday), held after school. Syllabus: Unit 3 and Unit 4, Using energy.
Geography: 25/4/2017 (Day 5, Tuesday), held after school at hall.
Economics and Public Affairs 11/4/2017 (Day 1, Tuesday), after school. Syllabus: Ch.1+p.14
History, after Easter holidays
Last post(23/3/2017):
Support our classmates:
-Harvey Hui's YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChexoi1GuBVXZZxLmVajk5w
-Harvey Hui's YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChexoi1GuBVXZZxLmVajk5w
Nerdy stuffs:
-Master the calculator by visiting here: http://webcal.freetzi.com/casio.fx-50FH/fx-50F_Plus.htm
P.S. Don't get addicted
-Master the calculator by visiting here: http://webcal.freetzi.com/casio.fx-50FH/fx-50F_Plus.htm
P.S. Don't get addicted
WhatsApp regulations: