Clash Royale Tips and Tricks by Benny & Discussion area


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Training camp part 1

-Arrows are a good spell used my most player
-Arrow can be used to kill skarmy,minion horde etc. for a positive elixir trade
-Arrows can also kill princess,but opponent may use it as a bait and use other swarm card on you
-Arrows can't one-shot equal level archers and bombers

-if left ignored,a lone bomber can hit your tower once,doing nice chip damage for 3 elixir
-a bomber is best used after a tank
to back them up
-bombers can counter incoming swarm cards,but due to its low health it CAN be killed by barbs but they will have low health by using 5 elixirs Therefore, barbarians are not the best choice for countering bomber. Left them for countering hog rider, prince, occasionally wizard and witch, and other point damage troops.
-when you arrived at A5,DON'T use bombers since you can use the wizard which has more health,faster hitting speed, and it can counter air troops for just 2 more elixir

-because they are in pairs they can split perfectly to pressure both lane
-archers are extremely value for 3 elixer
-even though they are not splash damage,they can counter skarmy with the help of a tower
-if you have musketeer,they are interchangeable
since they both target air,similar total damage and health,and similar elixir cost

-A knight has medium-high health,therefore it can be used as a tank
-knight+valkryine is very deadly in low arenas.the knight act as a tank while the valkryine kills enemy swarms.this is ,however,unable to counter enemy air units
(You can use fire spirits instead of valkryine)
-the knight can be interchanged with miner at tournament standard since they have same elixer cost,similar damage and health.However miner can be deployed anywhere,while knight have to walk to the tower
-knight is very powerful,so don't ever ignore it
To counter it,use swarm card(e.g skarmy)or glass cannon(e.g mini pekka)

-fireballs are the opposite of arrows(arrows has low damage but wide radius while fireball has high damage but low radius)
-since fireball has a fairly long travel time using it on quick targets are tricky
-fireball can one shot wizards and musketeer if the fireball is 1 lvl higher than them
-overall,fireball is a good card in all can destroy a lot of troops with only 4 elixirs                   

Mini pekka:
-mini pekka is a high damage troop,so use it on high health enemy
-the mini pekka+ valkryine is very deadly in low arenas,as each of them covers their weakness(mini pekka is afraid of swarms,while valkryine is afraid of high hitpoint troops)to counter it,use air troops(minion horde is the best)
-it is not wise to send him alone,as this is a waste of 4 elixir.However,if your opponent is really low on elixer,rushing with a mini pekka can cause a lot of damage done to a tower
-fun fact:mini pekka and fireball has the same damage,therefore it can one shot wizards and musketeers if the mini pekka is one level higher                       
[09:21, 5/7/2017] Benny Dunn 1D (28): Giant:
-giant is one of the most popular tank in clash royale because of its high health and low elixer cost
-if you calculate the health-to-cost ratio,the giant is the second best value(golem is the best)
-giant+graveyard/goblin barrel is deadly,as the giant soak all the damage while the grave/barrel does the damage.this can be defeated by a valkryine +mini pekka combo
-giant can also pair up with support troops(e.g.bomber)to do more damage.Besides that,Giants are afraid of swarms,so back it up with AOE troops can clear the path.
-to counter a giant,use either swarms(beware of spells)or high damage card( pekka)                   

-she is good against all air troops except minion horde
-if left ignored,she can do immense damage to a tower
-for some reason she is usually paired with hog rider in high arena though they can be easily counter with skarmy
-when you reach arena 5 you should replace her with wizards since he has same health,more damage,has area damage,for just 1 more elixir
-musketeers can pair with goblin barrel since either of them can tank each other and do insane damage
-her range is so long that she can out range a cannon!

Skeleton army:
-skarmy is one of the best card to deal with tanks due to its high numbers.also it's elixir cost make it easy to make a positive elixer trade!
-skarmy can't be left ignored since it will do high damage to towers
-players can throw a gob barrel to bait the opponent's arrows and than use their arrows.beware of area damage troops!
-unless the opponent has spell,use skarmy+mirror+clone+rage can instantly gain a crown and possibly end the game quickly.this can be countered by a log for a huge positive elixer trade.
-while being extremely weak on splash damage,skarmy CAN sometimes kill wizard,witch,executioner,or even bombers!
-skarmy had the highest total dps of all cards in clash royale                   

-the prince has a special ability:when he isn't attacking for 2 sec,he can charge up and move at a very fast speed,also dealing double damage.
-if left ignored,he can destroy an entire tower with its high damage in a few seconds
-to counter prince,use swarm cards for a positive elixer trade
-zap,lightening and freeze CAN reset his charge,prevent him from dealing double damage
-a popular Combo is the prince+dark prince combo known as the double prince combo.To counter them,use minion horde+a building to distract and destroy them without damage on your own tower
-back the prince up with splash damage card in order to prevent swarms                   

The witch spawns 3skeletons every 7.5 seconds,making she a decent distracting troop
-it is better to put a witch at the back of the king tower,giving her ample time to spawn enough skeleton for a large push
-witch is very good against sparky,while the skeletons distract the sparky and the witch kills the sparky
-a witch has a quick attack speed and has area damage.therefore she is ok when dealing with swarms.however,medium health swarm(barbarians) can kill the witch
-to counter a witch,use either a medium health swarm card or an area damage card(wizard,bomber,etc.)
-witch+ice wizard are fatal,as the ice wizard slows down enemy while the witch kills them.this can be countered by a fireball
-the witch can interchange with wizard,as both of them does area damage,while the wizard deal more damage.however,the witch can distract a prince while a wizard can't.

Baby dragon:
-baby d is an area damage air troop,use the advantage and sweep out ground swarms using it
-baby dragon pairs well with inferno d/balloon.for the inferno d,the baby d would wipe out any ground units trying to kill the inferno,while the inferno burns the tower.the balloon works in the same way but offering more damage.Both can be countered by minion horde+distractive building/a rocket
-another combo is this +lava hound.the lava hound tanks the baby d and when it dies,the baby d would tank the pups,doing immense counter this,use minion horde+distractive building
-to counter a lone baby dragon,musketeer is the best.Archers can also used to delay the baby d since they can't be one-shot by it.
-spear goblins/fire spirits can kill a baby dragon WHEN IT IS DISTRACTED,otherwise they'll likely be one-shotted

Arena 1
-if left alone,the goblin can land a single hit on the tower,dealing chip damage for 2 elixir
-you can add goblins in your push for additional damage
-this+ice spirit can deal serious damage for only 3 elixir.however,they can be easily countered by spells
-this is interchangeable with spear goblins,but note that spear goblins have range,and have less health and attack.
-it is not advised to bring both goblin and spear goblin since you can play goblin gang for 1 less elixir (and save a card slot)

You can use goblins +hog rider
to perform a pig push.please ask other senior cr players for how to do it since it's so advanced that Benny don't know how to do it.

Spear goblin:
-while being less suspect to splash damage,they offer less damage and health compared to goblins
-if sent alone,they can all hit the tower once,doing even more chip damage than goblins for the same elixir cost,and the opponent will likely ignore them
-spear goblin+ice golem is a good combo,as the ice golem tank the spear goblins while they do damage to the tower,and even if the opponent have skarmy,the ice golem's death damage can wipe them out.this can be countered by barbarians.
-the spear goblin can counter air troop well(except baby d),which makes them a popular card



8/11/2016 (Day 1)

Maths past papers (Open with word or google docs)

7/11/2016 (Day 6)