Lost and found

Lost and found section
28/3/2017 Tue
From Lucas:
I lost my sports shorts today, with a handkerchief in one of the pockets.  Please return to me if anyone finds it. 
From Chris:
各位:我記得我曾經向某位同學借出A Christmas Carol,請各位翻翻自己的書包和儲物櫃。如發現該書,請交還給我,謝謝!
Hi everyone:
I remember I lended A Christmas Carol to a classmate.However , I can't find that book. If you keep the book, pls give it to me, thank you very much.
Keep Updating!



8/11/2016 (Day 1)

Maths past papers (Open with word or google docs)

7/11/2016 (Day 6)